Inverzí (tj. sloveso předchází podmětu) v podmínkových větách docílíme velmi formálního stylu (předpisy, smluvní podmínky, právní texty,…). Používá se takřka výhradně v psané angličtině, v mluvené jen výjimečně.
U reálné podmínky v přítomnosti/budoucnosti vynecháme spojku if a invertujeme podmět se slovesem should.
If you need more information, contact me. -> Should you need more information, contact me.
If you need anything else, please call this number. -> Should you need anything else, please call this number.
If you fail to comply with these regulations, you will be banned. -> Should you fail to comply with these regulations, you will be banned.
If no one answers, please call back tomorrow. -> Should no one answer, please call back tomorrow.
If you want excellent quality meat, you must buy only from this shop. -> Should you want excellent quality meat, you must buy only from this shop.
U nereálné podmínky v přítomnosti či budoucnosti vynecháme spojku if a provedeme inverzi slovesa were a podmětu (to lze jen pokud je již sloveso were ve větě).
If I were you, I wouldn’t do that. -> Were I you, I wouldn’t do that.
If it weren’t for Peter, we wouldn’t know what to do now. -> Were it not for Peter, we wouldn’t know what to do now.
Pokud je ve větě jiné sloveso než were, použijeme were, za které vložíme infinitiv.
If the government introduced this tax, it would affect many people. -> Were the government to introduce this tax, it would affect many people.
If we announced the truth, we would receive much criticism. -> Were we to announce the truth, we would receive much criticism.
If he didn’t study more, he wouldn’t pass the exam. -> Were he not to study more, he wouldn’t pass the exam.
Pozn.: V záporných větách se při inverzi nepoužívají zkrácené tvary.
V případě nereálné podmínky v minulosti dojde k inverzi (prohození) podmětu a pomocného slovesa had, spojku if vynecháme.
If we had booked our flight earlier, it would have been cheaper. -> Had we booked our flight earlier, it would have been cheaper.
If I had seen you before, I could have given it to you. -> Had I seen you before I could have given it to you.
If she had not helped me I would have been in bad trouble. -> Had she not helped me I would have been in bad trouble.
If the people hadn’t been informed, the situation would have been much worse. -> Had the people not been informed, the situation would have been much worse.