Ačkoliv je IF nejčastěji používanou spojkou v podmínkových větách, existují i jiné varianty, které ji mohou nahradit. Níže je přehled těch nejběžnějších.
Given that he had three months to do the task, he didn‘t make much progress.
Assuming that the temperature remains at zero, food will remain safe.
Suppose/Supposing you had time, would you travel more?
Suppose/Supposing you lost your passport, what would you do?
You can borrow my car as long as you return it on Wednesday.
They spoke on condition that their names would not be published.
I will let you watch television on condition that you finish your homework.
You may do whatever you like provided that it is within the law.
You can go with us providing you pay for your own meal.
I won’t tell you what happened unless you promise to keep it secret. (=…if you don’t promise to keep it secret.)
My leg’s broken. I can’t stand up unless you help me. (=…if you don’t help me.)
Let’s hope the weather improves. Otherwise (= If it doesn’t) we’ll have to cancel the picnic.
Imagine you were a millionaire, what would you buy?
Pozn.: Spojku IF lze i zcela vynechat pomocí inverze v podmínkových větách.