Telefonování – fráze
 25. listopadu, 2016 Admin
Answering the phone
- Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon/…
- How can I help you?
Introducing yourself
- John Brown speaking.
- This is John Brown speaking.
- Speaking. (The person answering says this if the caller does not recognize their voice.)
- This is Ken.
- Hi Maria. It’s John speaking.
Asking to speak to someone
- Can I speak to…?
- I’d like to speak to… .
- Is it possible to speak to…?
- Can I have extension 321? (extensions are internal numbers at a company)
- Is Maria in? (informal) (= Is Maria in her office?)
Asking for a name
- Who’s calling, please?
- Who’s speaking, please?
- Can I ask who’s calling?
Giving the reason for a call
- I’m calling to make a reservation.
- I’m calling for some information on…
- I need some information…
Connecting someone
- (Please hold the line and) I’ll put you through.
- I’m connecting you now./I’ll connect you now.
- Can you hold the line? Can you hold on a moment?
- Hold the line, please. I’ll put him/her on.
- Hold on, please.
Special requests
- Could you please speak slowly?
- Can you repeat it, please?
- How do you spell it, please?
- Do you know what extension he/she is on?
Taking a message for someone
- Can I take a message?
- Would you like to leave a message?
- I’ll let him/her know you called.
Leaving a message for someone
- Can/May I leave a message, please?
- When/How can I reach him/her?
- Could you tell him/her that I called, please?
Confirming information
- Let me repeat that just to make sure.
- I’ll make sure he/she gets the message.
- OK, I’ve got it down.
Finishing a conversation
- I’ve been cut off.
- I can’t get through at the moment.
- I’m afraid the line is engaged.
- The line is busy.
- I’ve got a very weak signal.
- Sorry, I think you’ve dialled the wrong number.
- I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.
- I’m afraid he/she is in a meeting at the moment.
- He/She’s out of the office now.
- He/She is not in at the moment.
- My battery’s about to run out.
- I need to charge up my phone.